Python developer w/ social data
We’re looking for a full-time Python developer to join our small team, to work on creative digital applications for social data – real-time and high-volume, and often with a TV industry connection. Think creative modern web development meets Big Data; then kill us for saying ‘Big Data’. Our systems handle millions of incoming social status updates daily and are used to power social insight for brands like EE and cutting edge consumer apps like zeebox.
See examples of our work on http://sme.sh/.
Essential skills
Working with social data APIs, especially Twitter and Facebook
MongoDB or other no-SQL storage systems
Decent sysadmin / devops experience
Writing code that performs in production
Able to communicate and collaborate with other developers
Writing / designing and consuming REST APIs
Bonus points
Django, Flask, or similar
All round web-dev experience, including modern responsive HTML, JS, CSS
Statistics and data mining
Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing
CS or similar degree
AWS (EC2, CloudFront, S3, etc.)
Fabric, Puppet
Benefits include
Building interesting and challenging things with experienced people
Frequent free lunch trips
Generally having a lot of influence on what gets built
If you’re interested, get in touch via jobs@sme.sh
Smesh Wants You
We’re always on the look out for excellent technical freelancers to join our team and work on our award winning projects.
If you’re an experienced frontend javascript developer, a talented pythonista, big data guru or a dedicated operations person we’d love to hear from you. And if none of these quite fit you, but you think you might have something else to offer us, do get in touch anyway.
Email a CV to jobs@sme.sh to learn more.